Derived classes must be substitutable for their base classes. Robert C. Martin Welcome back to the series on SOLID. By now, I’ll assume …
O for Open/Closed Principle
You should be able to extend the behavior of a system without having to modify that system. Robert C. Martin Welcome back to the series on …
S for Single Responsibility Principle
A class should have only one reason to change. Robert C. Martin I'm going to start a five blog post journey about the five principles …
What IDE Do You Use?
I'm curious to know what IDEs people out there use. But before anyone tell me what their IDE of choice is, I'll give you mine and how I …
Using Swagger to Auto Generate Your JSON Objects
The title is a lie. You need Swagger to be able to generate your JSON objects, but it's not what will generate your objects. At Agoda, we …
Using React-Redux-Forms
The main reason you could say we moved to Redux was validation. We didn't want to add a whole lot of code to our page components to validate …
Migrating to React-Redux
You don't need Redux Repeat after me, "I don't need Redux". Seriously, you probably don't. We didn't need Redux in our SPA until we started …
Jest, React, and Mocking
Are you stuck with Proxyquire or Sinon? Before we moved to Jest, we used Karma with Mocha/Chai. These come with no built-in mocking …
Starting with React
This isn't meant to be a guide on how-to React. I just want to share some of what I've learnt during my time working on a Single Page App …