Make fine grained interfaces that are client specific. Robert C. Martin Welcome back to the series on SOLID. By now, I’ll assume you’ve …
Archives for 2018
L for Liskov Substitution Principle
Derived classes must be substitutable for their base classes. Robert C. Martin Welcome back to the series on SOLID. By now, I’ll assume …
O for Open/Closed Principle
You should be able to extend the behavior of a system without having to modify that system. Robert C. Martin Welcome back to the series on …
S for Single Responsibility Principle
A class should have only one reason to change. Robert C. Martin I'm going to start a five blog post journey about the five principles …
How Do You Decide Which New Thing to Take?
I know you may think this topic is familiar. I mean, I did talk about it in my previous post about how you decide which package to take. But …
What IDE Do You Use?
I'm curious to know what IDEs people out there use. But before anyone tell me what their IDE of choice is, I'll give you mine and how I …
What Does Agile Mean?
Today I want to talk about what agile means to me. I mean there is a standardised definition which I've quoted below from the agile …
How to Run a Retrospective
One of the things I enjoy doing is running retrospectives. I know, I'm a bit weird. No one likes meetings. Well, this is one important …
How to Decide Which Packages to Use
At my current company (Agoda), we don't have a strategy for picking what packages that we use (that I know of). Mostly, you have to prove …